Financial Planning Services

Investment Strategy
With experience in various market cycles, our advisors will help establish your investment objectives, while reviewing your risk tolerance, liquidity needs, tax and fee minimization. Our Investment Committee screens and monitors active managers and passive index funds, while searching for unique investment opportunities. The result is a highly personalized strategic asset allocation, aligned with current market conditions and client preferences.
Retirement Planning
Our goal is to ensure each family we work with fully understands their cash flow needs and projected assets available to meet those needs, in advance of (and throughout) retirement. We coordinate long-term cash flow modeling with optimal investment portfolios. We recommend tax-deferral strategies, analyze pension plan options, review post-retirement insurance costs, and assist with open enrollment benefit elections and social security decision making.

Income Tax
Early in the tax year, we project Federal and State Income Tax liabilities and the adequacy of withholding. We recommend estimated payments as they relate to safe harbor requirements to minimize potential penalties. Tax minimization strategies, such as comparing income deferral vs. acceleration, are at the heart of our tax planning. Projecting the tax impact of major events prior to taking action, such as stock option award exercises, is imperative for our executive clients. We will also review current year tax returns, and in some situations may manage the preparation and e-filing of client Federal and State tax returns.
Estate Plan & Insurance Analysis
Protecting wealth and leaving a clear roadmap for families is often a top priority for our clients. Our advisors will discuss estate planning goals & techniques, tax & family situations, trust planning, and will work with your attorney to implement drafting of estate documents. We will ensure that documents are appropriate for the constantly evolving estate tax landscape. We assess needs for life and property & casualty insurance, and will review any current policies in place.